Highlights in Science and Culture

Strange Inventions

The Blue Umbrella, the new Pixar short

08/01/2013 |

The Blue Umbrella is the next animated short produced by the animation studio Pixar genius, and today the boys of that house we surprised everyone by giving us a little preview of this production, as [ ... ]

Strange Inventions

Die Hard 25th Anniversary Collection, a package of pure action

08/01/2013 |

With the release in February of A Good Day to Die Hard, the fifth installment in the saga of Detective John McClaine, has scheduled the release of Die Hard 25th Anniversary Collection, a box set of 5 [ ... ]

Strange Inventions

Catmoji, una red social for photos of cats

08/01/2013 |
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Catmoji is the newest social network, where the protagonists are not humans and their silly memes, no, the stars of this network are our adorable cats and memes. As we have seen, here at Jossip ar [ ... ]

Strange Inventions

Splinter, the new collection by Nendo

09/01/2013 |
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Splinter is the new collection of Nendo , a set of furniture designed for Conde House. Its main features: simplicity and functionality. The pieces made of wood can cause brittleness printing, despite [ ... ]

Strange Inventions

House of Silence, a silent house designed by FORM / Kouichi Kimura Architects

08/01/2013 |
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House of Silence es una creación del estudio FORM/Kouichi Kimura Architects, una casa de concreto, ubicada en Shiga (Japón), diseñada para que sus habitantes experimenten una especie de aislamiento [ ... ]

Ecology and Environment

As weeding the garden

08/01/2013 |

Weeds s on those plants which grow where they should not and they do nothing but annoy. There are two types of weeds, the manuals to grow from seed, flower and produce new seeds in a season and thist [ ... ]

Cooking and Eating

Recipes for diet in 2013

08/01/2013 |
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The recipes you need to hold the line, lose weight or debug your body. The key is learning to eat, we can take care of our diet and lose weight or just do a diet to improve our health. But one as [ ... ]

Ecology and Environment

Weird Ideas to recycle plastic bottles

08/01/2013 |

One of the great ways to help the environment and ecology is to avoid using the resources of the planet's natural. That can be done by recycling materials that would normally go straight to the t [ ... ]

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