Highlights in Lifestyle

Social Critic

Peru: Discussing the "gastro fascism"

08/01/2013 |

About a month ago Javier Puente published in Selecting Stones a critical article on the rise of Peruvian cuisine and above all, about the role that the chef Gastón Acurio plays in it. Peasant and Ch [ ... ]

Social Critic

Ecuador: National Assembly has a new widget

08/01/2013 |

The National Assembly of Ecuador now has a new widget . The driving force behind the initiative, political communication specialist Antonio Gutiérrez-Rubi, said in his blog that "this is an onl [ ... ]

Social Critic

Chad's president appoints his sons in key executive positions

11/01/2013 |

Djamil Ahmat informa que el presidente chadiano Déby nombró a su hijo de 24 años Mahamat Idriss Déby, general de brigada [fr] junto a otros 4 oficiales. Tchadanthopus agrega que a su otro hijo  [ ... ]

Social Critic

Peru: Wendy Sulca, YouTube phenomenon, teased again

09/01/2013 |

"Greetings to Armando Esteban Quito ... Jorge Nitales ... a big kiss to Elsa Capunta ... we are your number one fans from Narnia ...". Greeted Thus Peruvian YouTube star Wendy Sulca their s [ ... ]

Social Critic

What happened to the cable? Internet access Cuban discussed

08/01/2013 |
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"The cable has a lifespan of 25 years. The clock is ticking. "So begins the last post of the blog "From inside Cuba" , a chronology that lists the articles published in state medi [ ... ]

Social Critic

Misconceptions about the economic situation in Iceland

10/01/2013 |

BECAUSE I'M TIRED OF PEOPLE DISCLOSE falsehoods. Baldur Bjarnason wrote a post about how it is really developing crisis in Iceland [in] in Studio have. Details the cozy relationship between the  [ ... ]


The best diets for 2013

08/01/2013 |
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If you want to lose weight healthily and safely Take a look at the best diets for this next year. After a few weeks you have been eating in bulk and ignoring health issues, today we think it is th [ ... ]

Social Critic

Mexico: Video coverage of violence and journalistic safety

08/01/2013 |

The issue of violence in Mexico has not become obsolete. In 2011, Global Voices in Spanish organized a Festival of blogs that had broad participation of Mexican bloggers (see posts here: 1 , 2 , 3 ,  [ ... ]

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